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From a Car to a Home

Updated: May 24, 2023

(This article was published in 2018)

Daniel has gone from living in his car and couch surfing whilst his children share a room with his mother, to owning his own home, with the help of Habitat for Humanity Victoria.

The past few years haven’t been easy for Daniel. After a breakdown of a relationship, the father of four has tried to keep a state of normalcy for his two children who currently live with him.

Michael (12) and Ella (11) are currently living with Daniel’s mum in a granny flat, sharing a room. This leaves no room for Daniel, who spends most nights without a place to say, often couch surfing or sleeping in his car.

A normal day will see Daniel taking his kids to school and then back to his mother’s, staying there until they go to sleep, then finding somewhere to stay the night before waking up and going back to his mother’s to get the kids ready for school.

This has become a very unsustainable way of living, Daniel unable to find work as he does not have a fixed address and also has to have flexible hours to be able to care for his kids.

His other two children currently live with his ex-partner in Mansfield, making it very difficult for Daniel to spend time with them due to distance and he has nowhere for them to stay.

Having a stable home in Yea will not only mean he can see his other two children more often as they will be closer, but it will be a place where his children can establish friendships and have some permanency in a place they can call home.

‘That’s what I’m most excited about. Having my kids and me in the one place, my own place. The kids can’t wait to move up. To get out of the granny flat, have their own room of which they’ve already chosen! They chose their rooms off the floor plans’ mentions Daniel.

Lot 18 will be the site of a family reunited, the home build being completely funded by our Rosebud ReStore, with the support of the Mornington Peninsula Chapter. The Chapter have been instrumental in helping fund Habitat homes, funding 7 within the Peninsula and providing more than $120,000 in financial support for other affordable housing projects in Victoria.

Rosebud ReStore manager Chris Wyatt is amazed at what the store has been able to achieve since it’s inception 10 years ago. ‘Thanks must go to all our volunteers who can now witness the handing over of Lot 18, an incredible effort by all.’

The Rosebud ReStore is run entirely by a team of passionate volunteers, about 50 of them ‘who are all totally committed to the shop and appreciate what has been achieved’ says Chris. The Rosebud ReStore has developed quite a little community down by the Peninsula – Chris noting that their ‘little kitchen area is usually full of homemade cakes, with a friendly face’ on offer as well.

Habitat for Humanity Victoria is excited to celebrate the effort of our Rosebud team and Mornington Chapter in assisting in building a Habitat community within the Yea Heights Estate, and helping Daniel and his family into home ownership.

The Rosebud ReStore Team with Daniel and his children

Through shelter, we empower

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