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Celeste's story

Habitat for Humanity Victoria Partner Family

With special
thanks to:


"A home to us means stability, and for anyone, stability is absolutely important. That's a fundamental human need."

Meet Celeste

A single mum of three beautiful boys, Celeste has spent years trying to secure a safe place for her family to call home.


Juggling multiple jobs while homeschooling her children with unique learning needs, she dreams of the day when her hard work pays off, and her boys can feel safe enough to have an address they consider home.

Habitat for Humanity Victoria provides a hand-up for families like Celeste's to have an affordable pathway towards home ownership. Everyone deserves a decent place to call home!


Celeste's journey into home ownership

First meeting

Celeste first heard about HFHV before coming to Melbourne. On learning about our Home Building Program she reached out to explore an affordable path into home ownership for herself and her three sons.

Signing on as a Partner Family

Further to completion of the application process, Celeste was approved as a Partner Family with HFHV, commencing a partnership towards building her own home with an interest free loan arrangement.

Contributing sweat equity

As part of Celeste's partnership with us, she committed to contributing 500 hours of sweat equity into the house build as well as with our ReStore social enterprise in Rosebud, Victoria. Her sons would occasionally come down and help out!

House handover

Celeste's house, located in Crib Point, Victoria, was completed in September 2023. Celeste and her sons received the keys to their forever home the same month. The HFHV team continues to stay in touch, supporting Celeste to settle into her new home.


Receiving keys to their forever home

Celeste and her sons received the keys to their new home in Crib Point late 2023. We were delighted to see the amount of support she received from so many people. Read more about the story below.

Get involved

For many Victorian families like Celeste's, having a safe place to call home remains an unattainable dream. With your support, Habitat for Humanity Victoria can help provide more disadvantaged families with the opportunity to work towards an affordable home. 

Check out below the different ways you or your organisation can be part of the solution.


Four ways to contribute

Give your time

Whatever your experience, stage of life, skill-set or passion, there is a place for you within Habitat Victoria.

Donate goods to ReStore

Donate your gently used or new items to ReStore – from a home, to a home, for a home!

Donate online

Help us provide strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter and donate to our life-changing cause today.

Leave a legacy

Include a gift to Habitat Victoria in your will and help us continue to build homes for families in need.

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